Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pink Annabelle Hydrangea

For all of us Annabelle lovers, new for 2010 is the Invincibelle Spirit hydrangea. It's the first ever pink Annabelle.
Some of the stats include:
Hardy to zone 3
Flowers emerge as dark pink, then turn lighter pink
Blooms until frost
Sun/Partial shade
36-48" tall
$1 of the sale goes to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Also click on the link to see a clip.
What do you think? Will it be on the shopping list?
I think it just might be.


  1. Halloj!

    Annbelle: är det syrén? Syns som det på bilden, men jag har inte hört det namnet förut...

    Jag älskar syréner och har massor av vita och lila gigantiska buskar eller träd som säkerligen är 100 år gamla. Rosa låter jättesnyggt. Du kan väl prova... :-) och visa bilder sen på hur det blev....

    Ha' det gott!

  2. Hejsan Charlotte!
    Hydrangea= hortensia.
    Annabelle, med vita blommor, är ett av mina bästa köp. Blev stor fort, vacker, och är superlätt att ta hand om. Måste nog köpa den.

  3. Aha - hortensia.... Ja, det har jag inga av...... Men brukar köpa säsongsvis och ha i kruka.

    Angående de flytande små påsklijorna så får jag återkomma :-) Men jag skulle tro flera dagar.


  4. Ooh! Pink Annabelle - I may have to pull something out of my garden to put this plant in! Annabelle is the one hydrangea that does well in my area. About changing blog format:From what I've seen we seem to do it all the time. That's part of the fun and definetely excitement as you hope the change doesn't cause loss! LOL

  5. I have saw this hydrangea in a lot of the catalogs this winter and spring. It looks to be a beauty and for a hydrangea lover like myself hard to resist. LOL! I love the idea that some of the proceedings from sales will go to breast cancer research too.

  6. Gloria: I hope you don't have to pull something out, and that it was a joke, because I laughed out loud as I read your post. Thanks for the blog change support.

    HH Gardener: it will be hard for me to resist too. Curious about the availability though. I've heard quite a few that are excited about this one. Possibly because Annabelle is such an easy one.


Thanks for leaving me a little note!
