Thursday, May 6, 2010

Giant Daisies

There are daisies...

... and there are daisies!

On our way to the beach last Sunday, we drove by a garden center that had these giant daisies outside. I just had to come back to take a second look. They are so cool and I really like them, but there is no place for them in my home or garden so I didn't even bother finding out how much they cost. I'm actually not sure in what kind of setting they would do best. Any ideas?

Tomorrow I'll show you the rest of the garden center. It's dreamy!


  1. Va'???? De är väl inte äkta? Helt otroliga, hur som helst.

    Jaaaa, såklart att vi ska starta café-blomsteraffär-etc tillsammans! Hm, det var det där med avståndet då'rå... Tål att tänka lite på. ;-D

    Kram på dig, sköna Boston-böna!

  2. Oj, stooora! Men vad glad man blir att få se det oväntade. Tänk dig en sådan blomma i ett flickrum på en vägg med en ram runt...och blombladen kanske spretar ut utanför ramen också så där lite fluffigt och galet....:-)

    Ser fram emot fler bilder....


  3. Jaaa, Charlotte, vad du är duktig på att tänka utanför ramen. :)

  4. Hi Annelie,
    I was a Walmart today and I strolled through the garden center to check out the flowers and prices. I came upon a large cart filled with the Gerbera Daisy in colorful pots. They were beautiful, just like the colors in your first photo. I was tempted to get a few but thought it may be a little to early to plant them.
    Where is this garden center.? It looks like a nice place to explore. Love those giant daises!
    Susan C.

  5. Susan, I'll definitely go to K-mart and shop soon, while the selection is still fresh. Need some hydrangeas, and maybe some daisies.
    This is on Route 2 going east, in Lincoln.


  6. Gerbera daisies are my favorite! I had them in all the bouquets for my wedding. As for those daisies on steroids... hmm.. I can see them used as decorations for a garden party, mother's day brunch, something like that? they are way cool though.

  7. Wow, they would really make a statement. I love Gerberas - I have a couple in the garden.
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Sarah, they sure make a statement. A big one!
    Michelle, I suppose you're right. Would be kind of fun for a garden party. Charlotte above suggested putting the flower in a frame for a girls room. You guys have working minds.


  9. Those daisies are something. Big and beautiful.

    You asked if that was my house and garden pictured on my blog, yes it is. Thank you for stopping by.

  10. Ha, ha underbara. Plötsligt verkar andra blommor som lilliputtar i jämförelse! ha det gott.

  11. Härligt med glada blommor.

    Jo, jag har hjärtsvikt och andra sjukdomar, som reumatism t.ex och annat skrot som gör att kroppen tackar för sig ibland.:-) Kram Stina


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