Sunday, April 4, 2010

Little pleasures on Easter Sunday

Funny when you forget things that you planted last year. This primrose greeted me this morning in the backyard. I had planted it in my front yard last spring, but moved it to an afternoon shade spot when it got too hot for it to be happy.
This little tulip is double pleasures. The leaves are variegated and there are no less than 3 tulips coming out of each little set of leaves.
Bleeding heart (löjtnantshjärta) not so little as a plant, but a little pleasure to watch because it's growing so fast you can almost hear it. Not kidding, this one grows more than an inch a day.
Ooh, and my little têtê-á-têtê daffodils, these are the cutest. No taller than a hand, and so cheery as they are growing head to head.
At the beginning of the spring, I am so willing to crouch down and marvel at the tiniest of things growing or poking out of the dirt, and I think by being early, these get the attention they deserve.


  1. I just love primroses. They have the brightest colors. Your tulips are going to be beautiful too. Love variegated leaves on anything that grows LOL! But nothing says spring like daffodils. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Thank you for your sweer comments.

    Love your flowers, we have 1 m off snow still....
    The India food...
    I think you can use any type og meat even chicken.
    Have a nice day.
    Gry : )

  3. Men du va' underbart att få ha våren igång! Jag riktigt känner värmen genom bilderna. Tulpanerna ser jättespännande ut! Kan du inte lägga ut en bild på hur de ser ut utslagna! Bladen är jättefina med de vita strimmorna!

    Önskar dig en fortsatt trevlig helg!

  4. WOW! Great pics! I almost feel like I am right there in your garden they are so clear and bright :)

  5. Åh, vilken blomsterprakt, och jag riktigt känner din glädje över dessa första vårtecken i dina ord. Och visst är det sant att man blir lite tossig just i början av våren, när man längtat som mest...

    Superfina tulpaner - vore spännande att se dem utslagna.

    Kram från Helena, The Swenglish Home

  6. Lona: Agree, that color on the primrose just has me drowning. And daffodils sure says spring like nothing else.
    Gry: Thanks, think I'll try that someday when hubby is not going to eat at home.
    Charlotte och Helena: bilder på utslagna tulpaner kommer.
    Sylvana: Thanks so much. The sun helped making it bright. It was a gorgeous day here yesterday.

  7. they all look lovely.. very much spring!

  8. Tack för dina söta ord.
    Roligt att du tyckte om min blogg.
    Nu fick jag också chans att kika in på din blogg.
    Härliga bilder med alla dessa vårblommor.
    Man kan liksom tittar de ur jorden och prata inte om att peta i jorden för att titta om det inte kommer något snart.
    Ha det så gott där.
    kram gerda

  9. Fina bilder.:-)
    Haha...Jaa, de kanske är lite exotiska.
    Kram Stina

  10. Those bleeding hearts are so big they must be growing at light speed! Thanks for the pics

  11. Honey your garden is simply gorgeous!!! I have no words to say but congratulations!

    green regards


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