Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Vertical Gardening

Succulents are great, aren't they. I mean, have you ever failed keeping one alive? Well, I haven't - not in my garden at least. The ones I have in my garden keep multiplying happily. And I divide, happily. Some of them I barely have to dig a hole for when I replant them, and they take root and go on without any fuss. Not to mention that many of them look great year round.
If you love succulents like me and you are looking for something different to do with them, take a look at what Flora Grubb and her business partner Saul Nadler do for a living.

Flora Grubb, who owns a garden store in San Francisco creates vertical gardens, among many things, and succulents are the perfect medium.

Here is something they call pocket garden. It's plants tucked into pockets that they call the Wooly Pocket System. This entrance wall was made for a clothing boutique in San Francisco.

The pockets are light weight, made of recycled plastic bottles and can go inside or outside.

Here is a Tillandsia wall that Flora Grubb made for a hotel.

Tillandsia is a plant that doesn't need any soil. It takes in all its nutrients and water through its leaves. The roots only serve as anchors. Seems like the perfect wall plant to me.

Why didn't I think of that?
I could imagine myself going to work with a smile on my face if this was my job.
Oh, well. Time to go water my horizontal garden.

For some more pictures and information on Flora Grubb, her blogg, her shop... click here.

All pictures are from Flora Grubb Gardens.


  1. I love these! There's a guy in Brisbane who specialises in edible vertical gardens whigh are perfect for apartment livers aparently. I've always loved the idea and wanted one... Meanwhile, my large suburban garden does unloved and uncared for. Work THAT one out. :-)

  2. Vertikala trädgårdar och växtväggar är jätte spännande och är ju ett sätt att öka mängden växtlighet i städer, och därmed gör man lite för luftens kvalitet i städer. Jag hoppas att man använder det mera framöver, dessutom är det ju vackert!
    Låter läskigt med hagelregnen du hade förra sommaren, hoppas att du slipper det i år! ha det gott/Sophia

  3. Wow, that is so cool. I am terrible with plants.
    Have a great day

  4. Annelie, great ideas! and I do love succulents. As you say, no worry, no fuss, just enjoy and especially in a rock garden.

  5. Hej Annelie,

    Wow så fränt! Ja, succulenter är bra för de är nog det enda som överlever hos mig haha! Jag gillar första bilden med tavlan, coolt! Ska kolla in Floras sida - hon har ju ett passande namn också ;)

    Have a joyful day,

  6. Helena, The Swenglish HomeMay 26, 2010 at 4:31 PM

    Varmaste hälsningar från stirrig och tokstressad svengelska, som inte packat än och i arla morgonstund drar mot flygplats och, ash cloud permitted som vi numer alltid säger, Sverige! Hurra, men nu får blogg och bloggvänner lida, för det lär bli ont om tid under veckan... ;-D

    Älskar dina inspirerande bilder i detta inlägg - har alltid varit fascinerad av väggväxande växter...

    Kraaaaaam, som får räcka tills jag nästa gång hamnar vid en dator...

  7. You know, whenever you leave questions in your comments on my blog I feel compelled to answer them but never know where to do it.

    So here I am, back on a post I've already visited, making completely self-absorbed comments.


    Yes, we are heading into our winter but where I live, it's not much of a winter here, ever. It gets down to about 22-24 celsius a day. Not sure what that is in fahrenheit but it's warm enough. You maybe need a cardigan but not much else. We turn the heater on a few nights a year and get really excited about it. Sometimes we light a log fire at Karra'd Away, then open all the windows so we don't bake to death.

    As for what happens with the blog, well, we've got two houses to renovate (the main house we're heading into now and then Karra'd Away the holiday house on the island) and THEN we'll be selling house #1 and starting again and building from scratch.

    So plenty of blog-fodder. Too much actually. Scary times really.

  8. Succulents sound like the perfect plants! I assume they cannot be outside during New England winters!?

  9. Jo'rå serru, jag ÄR i hemlandet nu, men hade förberett några inlägg i förväg... Har inte annonserat min Sverigeresa på bloggen, dock, då jag inte vet hur många bekanta jag komer att hinna med att träffa på denna ganska späckade resa.

    Nå, önskar dig en mysig helg och kanske fler strandpromenader?
    Kram, Helena


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