Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Shared excitement?

Yesterday afternoon, I finally cleaned up my herb/vegetable garden and planted the herbs that I purchased a couple of weeks ago. I can't tell you how good I feel about getting that done. I've felt like a bad garden mom, neglecting those little herb pots that needed transplanting. I had it scheduled for the Memorial Day weekend, but what really prompted me to get it done was the gift that my brother-in-law brought me for our big family bbq on Sunday. In a paper tray with a patriotic red, white and blue ribbon was a chocolate mint, a fennel, a cilantro and a specialty basil. How sweet and thoughtful was that? I just had to get those into the ground - pronto.

Look how nice and clean! Well, if you had seen the before, you'd most definitely have been impressed.
As I proudly take a picture of my neat and clean vegetable/herb garden, enter Mr. Groundhog at the edge of the lawn.

The groundhog normally feeds on grasses, insects and snails, but will absolutely feed on berries and vegetables if they are available. And in my garden they are. My strawberries are as of now beginning to turn color, and my blueberries are growing. Next weekend, hopefully, the tomatoes, cucumber, zucchinis will move in, among many goodies.
My fence was originally put up to keep out squirrels, chipmunks and little cottontails. Will it keep out the groundhog? I'll have to wait and see I suppose.

I just wanted to add this little Baltimore Oriole below, that kindly posed for me yesterday on a workbench. I've often listened to its song, never knowing who the bird is. But as this bird took off, he chirped for me. I love solving mysteries.


  1. Så fint det blev med kryddorna, känner igen mig i att ha krukor som liksom står och stirrar på en..som man verkligen borde sätta i jorden. Förstår att du känner dig nöjd nu! Skogsmurmeldjuret, äter det växter?
    Den ser rätt söt ut, fast om den äter upp en massa kanske man inte tycker det.
    Angående hur jag gör med blommbilder, när jag tar dem så som oxtungan, tar jag in dem, jag har ett fönster som är avskärmat med tunnt japanpapper ( funkar med vitt smörgåspapper också!), och ljuset får inte vara direkt solljus. Att ta inne är ett bra alternativ i bland om man vill ha bilder som blir som porträtt, ute blir det annorlunda. ha det bra/Sophia

  2. Vilken fin upphöjd köksträdgård du har Annelie - verkligen välordnat med muren - snyggt! Förstår att du blev extra peppad av de härliga krydd-plantorna du fick. Så omtänksamt... Chokladmynta (!?) har jag aldrig hört talas om - låter ju helt ljuvligt gott.....

    Oj, du har lite djur att tampas med...... Vilka fina färger fågeln hade.... Råddjuren som varit hos mig och ätit tulpaner tidigare i vår har troligen hittat mat i det fria nu - för jag har inte sett röken av dem något mer - skönt! Under somrarna är det mest ohyra och tvestjärtar som mumsar på mina växter. Och mot dem går det inte att stängsla in tyvärr....

    Kramar från Sundsvall....

  3. Hej Annelie,

    Vilka exotiska djur du har i trädgården hihi! Hoppas dom håller sig ifrån din fina köksträdgård. Duktig du är - den ser så välorganiserad ut! Sitter just nu och tittar ut i min egen trädgård och - tjae, den är raka motsatsen..;)

    Nej, jag har inte provat att gjuta än men det måste bli snaaart. Lovar att lägga in en bild :)

    Idag har vi toppenväder. Varmt och lagom fläkt. Så skönt!

    Ha det bra,

  4. Your groundhog is so cute. I used to have one in my garden. I put up a cheap, flimsy fence around my greens (which he liked to roll around in) and that was all it took to keep him out. He was a pretty well behaved groundhog though.

    Love your concrete raised beds.

  5. Oh dear...my mother lives in Massachusetts, and I've heard her repeatedly lament about the ground hog that has decided to take up permanent residence in her garden. I hope your fence holds!

  6. wow, I've never seen a groundhog before in my life...they sound so exotic to me, Sydney dweller, wow...

  7. Sylvana-That just cracks me up. The ground hog was rolling around in your fence? Too funny.
    Curbstone Valley Farm- Thanks for your Hello, looks like this one might have taken up permanent residence as well. He fed in my yard all fall before hibernation.
    Welcome Kathryn- They're exotic to me too, being born and raised in Sweden. Aren't they cute? Don't mind sharing a little yard with him. For now.


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