Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Lunch in Concord and an Owl

Had lunch with my girl friend S in Concord (MA), yesterday.

I like this place, very casual and the food is good. But you gotta hit it at the right time, it can get very crowded at lunch time.
I like their beef chili with butternut squash. It's a tad spicy and very filling, and it comes with a side of cornbread.

Their muffins are good too if you're going for coffee. My favorite is the pistachio muffin. Moist, nutty, light green and yummy.

But I have any of that yesterday. I like to try new things, so I went for the Avocado BLT Panini.

The panini was pretty good. One complaint though, they had reversed the crust on the sandwich, so that the glossy bread crust was facing the filling, and the inside of the bread was on the outside. Kind of a fun idea, but with slippery avocado and tomato and no cheese to glue it to the crust, not so fun when it all falls out on the plate.
I meant to take a picture of my panini, to show you, but when I remembered, my plate looked like a big mess. You probably appreciate me not sharing.

Instead, I'll show you something pretty from our shopping.

One of my all time favorite shops, Nesting, is right around the corner and upstairs from the café. I had to drag my girlfriend with me. (I've written about Nesting here and here.)

Yesterday's shopping splurge ($12) was on a Scrabble tile pendant.
The motif is an owl.

On the front is the owl...
Turn it over,

And it's a scrabble tile piece.
Worth 2 points.
I'll keep that in mind if I ever need a G.

Soooo, you want one too like the cool kid?
Well, if you're too far away from Concord, I know 2 options.

You can either make one yourself. Look here.

Or, If you're like me (can do things very well in your mind, but when you try, things never come out the way you planned), you buy them. I've seen a few sellers on Etsy.

My friend S and I also had time to visit The Famous Concord Shop ("a hardware shop for the kitchen") and The Cottage, with fun but pricey interior decorations.
Those store visits were fruitless in terms of shopping, but not in terms of inspiration.

All in all, it was a very nice afternoon.


  1. Oh, vilket läckert ställe!!! Ser precis ut som min stil.

    Gillar din "pimpning" av bloggen. Nu blev jag lite inspirerad....kan ju ändra lite i alla fall.

    Fortsätt ta fina, härliga bilder av New England!!!


  2. oh.. everything looks and sounds so lovely ~ especially this time of year.

  3. One generous and lovely comment deserves another. Thank you for yours on my blog. I won't be able to match yours though. I do love Concord. What a great little town. Everything about it is utterly charming and inspiring. I love the owl! What a great idea for a pendant - to decorate the back of a scrabble letter. That would make such a great gift for people who love that game too. Now it is my turn to be jealous of YOUR day. Hugs right back :)

  4. Hej Annelie! Och tack för besöket. Din krika lät superfin. Finns det bild på den här tro... ska kolla lite. Så roligt att höra också om hur livet kan levas nån annanstans :) Kram, Minna :)

  5. ööö, nu fattar jag inget. Min kommentar blev helgalen?!

  6. Annelie, I looove your blog, I'm glad I found you! I will have to check out this shop, because it looks like just my style!! I make those pendants myself, they're very easy and fun to do- Michael's craft store sells the wooden tiles in all shapes and sizes, too :)
    Looks like a very pleasant day to spend...I'll be heading to this area of MASS soon, as it is only about 45 min from me. :))

  7. Don't you love lunching & shopping in a little town? Those are my fav kind of days! I adore your new blog perfect for Fall! Angie xo

  8. Fin bloggen blev! Stället du och din väninna gick till ser ut och låter på din beskrivning som riktigt trevligt. Just sånt längtar jag alldeles förskräckligt efter ibland härute på landet, då åker jag till stan..
    kram Sophia

  9. What a lovely day out! And a pretty treat to bring home :)
    Have a fab weekend! X

  10. Kul att du gillade äppelbilderna. Jag, det är ganska häftigt hur de skapar med alla äpplena. Det är nog inte helt lätt att få till tavlan. Och det krävs säkert en hel del tålamod ;-)

    Du får gärna använda de bilder du frågade om. Länka, skriv mitt namn och så som du sa så blir det bra. Kul!!!

    Ha en fin helg.

    Hälsar Åsa

  11. Hej Annelie,
    Vad kul med namnbyte på bloggen och en ny inriktning. Härligt att blicka framåt och gå framåt:)

    Visst är det våra fikon på bilden på min blogg. De ha vuxit i bonna-orangeriet i sommar och vi fick fler fikon än någonsin. Ljuvligt!


  12. Men åhh, Annelie... så läcker din blogg har blivit och vilket härligt inlägg. Det enda jag saknade var en bild på paninin, den låter onekligen väldigt avancerad! Och vilket kanontips till Etsy-siten. Här ska jag shoppa julklappar till systerdöttrarna. Din uggla var helt underbar - jag får nog köpa en egen julklapp också!

  13. Jaaa, just sådana ställen gillar vi! Och panini - messy eller inte - gillar vi också! När jag en dag flaxar förbi Bostonregionen, kan vi kanske mumsa lunchmacka där tillsammans (som ju nu är tradition...eller? ;-). Jättefina smycken också, och jag har länge hoppats på att ramla över ett gammalt alfapet eller en ruskigt billig gammal skrivmaskin, för att kunna leka lite med och kanske göra något liknande med... fast så var det ju det där med tiden... tiden som jag inte har. Hm, en dag så kanske!

    Visste väl att Miss Annelie Marple skulle lösa mysteriet i ett nafs - jojemen, nu blir det Turkiet igen, hurra!

    Stor kram, så hörs vi snart!
    Helena, som GILLAR din blogg och dina bilder!!!

  14. Låter precis som ett ställe helt i min smak! Även paninin lät smaskens! Och lilla ursöta ugglan. Jag gillar!! :)
    Ha en finfin helg!

  15. Oh my, I'm so behind on reading my favorite blog! That was such a fun outing! You know, I didn't even notice what a mess you made with your panini. ;-) I think I was too busy filling my face with the avocado sandwich...easier to eat on slices of wheat bread, and oh so yummy! Nesting is a gem of a shop! I have walked by the entrance so many times, but never knew what was up there. I'm glad they still had the owl pendant that you had your eye on. Seriously, I think I could spend an afternoon poking through all of their neat trinkets and decor. By the way, The Concord Shop posted a pic on their FB page the other day...looks like they have a new shipment of melon ballers...of all the things they could have been out of that day! Thanks again for a great afternoon! Can't wait until our next outing! :-) -S


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