Friday, August 13, 2010


Gooseberries and currants...


So sweet, juicy, and just ripe.
Great for eating, jam making, pies and saft.
(Saft is a Scandinavian word for a fruit or berry blend concentrate
that is mixed with water to make a refreshing drink)

I ate a lot while staying at my parents house in Sweden.

Red Currant

I want some in my own garden here in Massachusetts.

But there seems to be a problem. They were banned for decades in the U.S. because they belong to a spices that help in the spread of the white pine blister rust that killed a lot of white pines in the early 1900s. The curious thing is that this deadly fungus needs to spend part of its life cycle on an alternate host. And that alternate host? Currant or gooseberry.

While doing research trying to find plants for my garden, I've found information that says that it is either illegal or strongly discouraged to plant these shrubs here in Massachusetts. But I've also found information that says that plants have been developed that are highly resistant to the decease.

All I want is someone to give me some information on what the names are on these highly decease resistant plants, were to find them, and that it is okay for me to plant them in my garden.

Can you help me?


  1. Oh, I remember these from childhood..., haven't had any in ages! Bon appetit!!

  2. They seemed to be so delicious....
    Oh a fresh drink of these would be lovely.....
    I am sorry that I can't help you but I love your pictures.
    Fine weekend

  3. Hejsan!

    Krusbär är ingen favvo hemma hos hos. Men det var ju konstigt att man inte får odla dom..? Tyvärr kan jag inte hjälpa dig.

    Tack för tipset angående bakbloggen, den ser jättetrevlig ut. Där ska det definitivt bli besök! Idag hittade jag en ny affär i grannstan med massor av bakgrejer - men jag höll hårt i plånboken! ;)

    Trevlig fredag,

  4. Nope... tyvärr.. kan inte hjälpa dig där. Men aj då.. är det såna (eller varit) restriktioner... det visste jag inte.... Vinbär och krusbär är mumsigt gott....

    Lycka till i jakten......

    Kramar och ha en fin helg!

  5. Hi Annelie. Your explanation may be the reason that I have never saw or tasted these berries.They look so yummy though. I hope someone can help you with your questions about another strand of these berries.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Intressant, en svensk som bloggar på amerikanska... :O)

    Kul att hitta dig!

    Mvh Heather i Buffalo, NY

  8. How interesting. I had always wondered why I never found gooseberries in the USA. I have never seen any disease on gooseberries over here, ever. The only problem is the dreaded sawfly larva that can defoliate a whole bush in days.


Thanks for leaving me a little note!
